31 August 2010

Black★Rock Shooter: Black Rock Shooter, Dead Master, and Black Gold Saw

black rock shooter cosplay - black rock shooter, dead master, and black gold saw

I thought the previous posts of Black Gold Saw, Black Rock Shooter and Dead Master looked similar. In a good way, because apparently, the three cosplayers were shooting in the same studio! Absolutely breath-taking work!

If only we knew who the cosplayers were. Thanks to Fillet’s Minion for sending this in!

EDIT: Thanks to Anon for letting me know Black Rock Shooter's cosplayer is Tasha from Cure!

EDIT2: Thanks to Fang Shinobi for adding the other cosplayers' names as Tomia and Eki!


  1. http://en.curecos.com/picture/detail?id=11115999

  2. Thanks anon! Properly credited this to Tasha's Cure Profile!

  3. http://wakarimasenlol.com/2011/01/05/black-rock-shooter-dead-master-black-gold-saw-cosplay/5327

    I would like to add that the other cosplayers are Tomia and Eki. ^^,

  4. Thanks for the link! Do you know which is Tomia and which is Eki?
