09 September 2011

Samurai Warriors 3: Oichi

unknown cosplay 106 / samurai warriors 3 cosplay - oichiIn a way, I'm kind of glad that people are also as confused as I am when it comes to some of the cosplays going around. It makes me feel like I’m not behind with these things after all!

Looks like there are several cosplayers waiting in line to get into a convention. Maybe you guys can identify the cosplayers in the background too? Thanks again to Panoramic Panda for sharing this!

EDIT: Thanks to Winter Bounty for letting me know she is Oichi from Samurai Warriors!


  1. i believe the girl at her side with violet hair and lipstick is Caster from Fate Stay Night

  2. i think i see a caster right behind the girl.. or at least.. it looks like caster, it's a bit different.. but the as for the main girl.. i realy cant think of anything :/

  3. Haha! I didn't know Caster looked like that!

    I was thinking she may be from APH again, but... Probably not? Taiwan doesn't have that kind of outfit right?

  4. the staff shes carrying is a proof :D

  5. She does look like Taiwan though, I rmb seeing a cosplay skit, where they wore their 'ancient costumes' Taiwan's look like this, pink blouse with more complicated designs, but I'm not 100% sure~

  6. Winter Bounty: Thanks! Just confirmed this is the version from the 3rd game! Sorry it took me so long to edit. ^^;;;
