30 November 2014

Vampire Knight: Shiki Senri 03

vampire knight cosplay - shiki senri by kumaqiApathetic and a follower by nature, Shiki Senri is described as a quiet “doll” who kept out of trouble in order to keep his mentally ill mother from worrying about him. He became attached to Ichijou Takuma who always encourages Senri to try new things. After being used by his father, Kuran Rido, to hurt the people he cares about, including Touya Rima, Senri began to stand up for himself and gained a bit more self-respect.

Another amazing cosplay by KumaQi! I always thought Shiki was an interesting character from the very beginning. I just wish he had a bigger role in the series. Thanks again to Mai for sending this in!

Source: Kumaqi熊祁 on Facebook

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