When suddenly a strange thirst builds up in you
Your heart becomes gentler
And you begin to love somebody
With no fear of danger
Don’t ever give up on yourself!
Shoot a burning arrow
A red flash fills the air!
FLAME SNIPER Seal away my fiery heart deep inside my arrow
FLAME SNIPER Choose the shot so the prey I seek has no chance of escape
FLAME SNIPER Take control of my burning heart; get a hold of myself
FLAME SNIPER Get ready! Hurry, make your choice, ‘cause my target now is you
Doesn’t she such a pretty Sailor Mars? Hopefully, someone will recognize her so that I can give proper credit and such! Thanks to Seth for sending this in!
Source: Cosplay Family
these cosplayers are so amazing,did they make their costumes all by themselves? i have only bought cosplay costume from online site like cosplaysky.fr, the quality is good but i don't konw if make a costume by myself is much cheaper