If you want to unravel this paradox of love,
Hold on!
Strip away all reason like a dress君の深く マスターキーで
With the master key you hold,
未知を 開こう 何処までも
Unlock the way, wherever it may go!
Now, come on,
Let’s Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
嗚呼 サディスティックに
Ah, as long as I sadistically
fight for your lips,
In a
“Butterfly Effect”
by their rouge, now
my world is changing!
Can you feel it!?
Our contest has come to a close! Thank you to everyone who participated! I’ll be announcing the winner by the end of the month, so keep your fingers crossed!
Now, I’m guessing this is Reika, but because Facebook is loading so slowly, I can’t confirm it on her Facebook page! If I’m wrong, please feel free to correct me! Thanks to Bethany for sharing this!
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