22 February 2011

Microsoft: Xbox Sanrokumaru

microsoft cosplay - xbox sanrokumaruThe Xbox 360 is the second video console produced by Microsoft, competing with Sony’s PlayStation 3 and Nintendo’s Wii as a part of the 7th generation of video game consoles.

…but seriously, what the heck is this?!

Only in Japan will be able to find personifications of the strangest things. People were requesting me to put up a better photo of this guy ever since we got a glimpse of him from Rona McDonald’s photo.

I may have said this was one of the best cosplays ever attempted, but up close, it’s just plain creepy. Thanks to Miguel for sending the photo!


  1. Hahaha! Not sure if I want to wake up to see that face first thing in the morning. I'd probably thought I'm lying on top on some operation table ready to be dissected ^^;

    Love the helmet though!

  2. Exactly, right? And the way he's posing for this particular photo is not really helping much either! Haha!

  3. I disagree ;) i wanna meet the man under the mask! and i do love a man in a suit <3

  4. Teresa: Really? Well, I'll let you know if he ever reveals his true identity! xD
