Primarily set in Tokyo, The Prince of Tennis is a series about a tennis prodigy named Echizen Ryoma who attends Seishun Academy (Seigaku) private school famous for its strong tennis club and talented players. Ryoma quickly defeats several upperclassmen, securing himself a spot as one of the team’s regulars. Together they pursue their goal in winning the National Middle School Tennis Championship while realizing the true meaning of tennis.
I don’t know the series well enough to say which character is which in this photo, so I’ll leave it to you guys to let me know how accurate this group shot is. Thanks to Lira for sharing this! Tags: cosplay, cosplayer, holic, role, play, roleplay, costume, anime, manga, game, series, character, photographer, photo, prince, tennis, primary, tokyo, japan, prodigy, echizen, ryoma, attend, seishun, academy, seigaku, private, school, famous, strong, club, talent, player, quick, defeat, upperclassman, secure, spot, one, team, regular, pursue, goal, win, national, middle, championship, realize, true, meaning, know, well, leave, accurate, group, shot, lira, contribution, suggestion, email, コスプレ, コスプレイ, テニスの王子様, 越前, リョーマ, 青春学園, 青学
They look fantastic, but I don't really think that it counts as cosplay, since this is a photo from the official liveaction. C:
ReplyDeleteThere was an official liveaction? :o
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't mind posting celebrities. :D I featured ON/OFF and Hirano Aya before. :3
I love the live action!
ReplyDeleteit really is the official cast, but still, they look so good x3
ReplyDeleteits the China Live Version, not bad. watched season 1, season 2 is out :)
ReplyDeleteThis was from the movie!!! Shirota Yuu!! *3*
ReplyDeleteNo no, I'm not saying anything like that you shouldn't have posted it! I was just saying that the characters are all accurate and whatnot. C:
ReplyDeleteGuess I need to find out who the actors are for this, ahaha!
ReplyDeleteI know, St. Arcana. :D I was just teasing~ :3
China live action? I believe this is the Japanese movie, starring Kanata Hongo as Ryoma Echizen. There wasn't much screen time for everyone over the short time, but a lot of the guys with more screen time seemed pretty in-character.
ReplyDeleteBtw, here's the Wiki link with the actors list:
ReplyDeleteThanks Shinobi! I'll look it up when my internet cooperates a little more *_*;;;
ReplyDeleteYes, definitely from the Japanese Live Action movie, with Shirota Yu as Tezuka and Aiba Hiroki as Fuji.