
27 September 2014

Sword Art Online: Alfheim Online: Asuna 03

As a regular player in Alfheim Online, Asuna retains her strong-willed yet kind personality as seen in Sword Art Online. However, she is no longer as proud as she was before. Asuna has several traits which are similar to Kirito’s, which is probably why they understand and love each other very much.

This cosplayer makes a very pretty Asuna! I like the addition of wings and effects in this photo. It’s as if she’s actually inside ALO! Thanks to Daniel for sending this in!

Source: SAO 52pk

26 September 2014

DRAMAtical Murder: Clear

dramatical murder cosplay - clearClear along with his brothers α and α2, were designed to sing “Dye Music”, a song that could brainwash people into submission, thus dyeing their brains. His real name was nothing more than a serial number, R-2E-054, and he originally served under Toue, his master. Unfortunately, he ended up being a defective unit, and was to be disposed off until the man in charge of disposal adopted Clear and treated him like his own son.

This cosplayer looks familiar somehow, but I’m not completely sure. Perhaps someone here will recognize him? Thanks to Steph for sending this in!

Source: ღ Clear - DRAMAtical Murder ღ on Facebook

13 September 2014

Uta no Prince-sama: Shinomiya Natsuki 03

uta no prince-sama cosplay - shinomiya natsuki by liuあなたのため僕は歌う…
I sing for you…

月が煌めく夜空は 胸がざわついて
Like the moon gleaming in the night sky, my beating chest
すっと手を伸ばせば 一つになれるような
If I could just reach out my hand, we’d become one

See how it sparkles… Can you see our shining future?
I want to walk there together
So I’ll have the power to protect

“Oath to Sirius”
Lyrics by moon5200402
Translation by ☽ Moonlit Sanctuary ☾

I’m back guys! Sorry for the sudden hiatus! I’ve recently been hired by a local publishing company and we’re making a monthly anthology book, so I’m pretty much swamped! I never thought I could pull all nighters in my age, but hey, we crossed the first hurdle! Hopefully, this means that I’ve learned my lesson so that I can keep Cosplay Holic updated in the future, right? We’ll have to wait and see, but the next time Cosplay Holic suddenly lacks in updates, you’ll know why!

In any case, don’t you think Taiwanese cosplayer Liu makes an amazing Natsuki? For those who’ve seen the anime, you probably remember this scene, right? Thanks to Pandalicious for sending this in!

Source: Liu (流)  on World Cosplay