
24 October 2010

Vampire Knight: Kain Akatsuki

vampire knight cosplay - kain akatsukiAido Hanabusa's cousin, Kain Akatsuki is considered to be one of Kuran Kaname's Right Hand Men. Despite his “wild” appearance, he is actually quite mellow and laidback. Kain is known for his incredible perception and sensitivity, particularly to Aido’s and Ruka’s feelings.

Impressive Kain cosplay. I only wish we could see more of this cosplayer. Thanks to Imeru for sending this!


  1. Definitely feels very Aido-ish. I can almost feel his personality coming out from this photo :D

  2. Is it? I think Aido has... "flippy-er" hair that Kain. xD And the coat... Kain always has his unbuttoned. :3

  3. Oops, I confused the the cosplayer here for Aido instead of Kain. Hahaha, sorry for the mistake. Read your post at nearly one in the morning which is when my brain doesn't process information like it should xD

    I should rephrase. The cosplayer does make a nice Kain ^^

  4. who is this cosplayer by the way?

  5. No idea, but I'll link it to the article when I find out. :)
