
28 August 2010

HeartCatch PreCure!: Cure Marine

unknown cosplay 58 - heartcatch precure! cosplay - cure marinePeople would think that after all these years of writing for this cosplay blog that I would know a lot about different characters from anime, manga and games.

Well, you’d be wrong, because I get surprises like this in my inbox quite often!

To be completely honest, the first character that came to mind when I saw this was Sailor Mercury from Sailor Moon… a stylized version of her anyway! But I’m pretty sure this is not the case.

You guys know the drill, comment and discuss who she could be in the comments, but I hope you guys can leave your name next time so that I can credit you properly if you guess right! So many anonymous comments… I wonder if it’s because they don’t want people to know that they’re reading Cosplay Holic? In any case, thanks to Paton Saint for sending this in!

EDIT: Thanks to St. Arcana among many others for letting me know this is Cure Marine from HeartCatch PreCure!


  1. This is Cure Marine from HeartCatch PreCure! (ハートキャッチプリキュア!) C:

  2. I think is Cure Marine, from Heart Catch Pretty Cure =)

  3. Oh! I forget to liink a image of her!

  4. That's Erika or better Cure Marine from the anime Heartcatch Precure! ^^

  5. It seems to be a character from Precure called "Marine" (who would have guessed...)

  6. It's Cure Marine from HeartCatch PreCure, I haven't see the anime but I searched for it ^_^

  7. It's a girl from Heartcatch Precure ! Her name is Erika Kurumi in her magical-form I believe ~

  8. Eep... I unfortunately had to step out before I could even publish all the comments or edit the post, haha. ;_; Thanks for letting me know about HeartCatch PreCure!

  9. wouuuu!!! .. is very very ... pretty
