
17 March 2008

Trinity Blood: Augusta Vradica aka Seth Nightroad

trinity blood cosplay - augusta vradica aka seth nightroadThe youngest of the Nightroad siblings, Seth became the Empress Augusta Vradica of the New Human Empire. 800 years ago, she led the Methuselah to safety and helped restore natural life to the land where the Empire eventually rose. Her people see her as their mother, and she does them as her children. No one’s actually seen what she looks like though, because of the heavy veils she puts on when she speaks to them and she uses a voice modifier as well. Because of this, she can easily move around the city without being noticed.

Awesome cosplay! The details on the costume is quite stunning and impressive! Oh, did I mention that the character looks like a little girl but she’s actually 900 years old? Comes with being a crusnik I guess!


  1. I've always wanted to cosplay this version of Seth, but to wear all those layers and add that to the humid weather in my country...I'm not not sure if I ever will xD

    I managed to cosplay Seth's first Empress outfit from the manga though.. so I guess one of my dream cosplays is fulfilled ^^

  2. Ugh... yeah, humidity will kill you if you wear something like this. Unless of course, the venue is heavily air-conditioned. :D
