
14 March 2008

The Legend of Zelda: Link

the legend of zelda cosplay - link…or rather, 2 Links! But wait. why are they in red and blue? Isn’t Link suppose to be in green?

Anyway… Link is the protagonist of the classic video game series, “The Legend of Zelda”! He is a young Hylian boy known for his great swordsmanship and fighting skill. He is a humble fellow, and bears a Triforce mark on his left hand, showing that he will be the one to find the Triforce of Courage.

Thanks to Wonderland for sharing this awesome cosplay picture!


  1. They're in red and blue because those were 2 of the tunics in The Ocarina of Time. The Goron Tunic and the Zora Tunic.

  2. It could be that they're from the legend of Zelda: Four sword adventures also.

  3. Really? I always thought of Link to only have a green tunic. @_@ Looks like I have a lot to learn about him...

  4. link has also a pink tunic (in fsa) and a... white/violet-ish in smb :-D


    Real guys wear pink I guess. xD

  6. who made these costumes? i'm quite interested in making one for fun, but I don't know where to find what I need to make it?

  7. I didn't find a tunic in that white/violet colour from SMB but there you go for the pink/violet one:

    Actually, in the game itself, the tunic is really pink, not violet.

    But in SMB Brawl, he has a golden tunic @.@ And a tunic that seems to be the white-violet thing. (

  8. Thanks, Stellatvia! I'll look into this more and maybe I'll be able to categorize it properly. ^^
