
30 December 2014

Final Fantasy XIII: Oerba Dia Vanille 02

final fantasy xiii cosplay - oerba dia vanille by rinto tocchiOerba Dia Vanille is a headstrong yet deeply empathetic individual who tried to remain positive even in hopeless situations. However, this sanguine personality is a facade to hide her own fear and guilt. By the end of Final Fantasy XIII, Vanille learned to stop running from her problems and fight for what she believes in.

Wow, I thought this was another version of the original CG, but it turned out to be Japanese cosplayer, Rinto Tocchi! Please make sure to give her World Cosplay profile a visit! She has a lot of amazing photos! Thanks to Kai for sending this in!

Source: Tocchi on World Cosplay
First seen in: AFA - ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA on Facebook

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