
08 June 2014

Aion: The Tower of Eternity: Sorcerer

aion: the tower of eternity cosplay - sorcerer by mei wai

Anonymous asked:

Are you a Japanese mangaka?

I’m not Japanese, that’s for sure! But yes, I am a mangaka (Japanese-styled comics’ artist) by trade. Aside from my real names, I’m known as the artist “Kurohiko” here in the Philippines. I’m currently working on “KARMA” under Oh No! Manga, “Crystal Shadows” under Studio 4 Eyes, “A Day in the Life of Mei” under Pinoy Jokes + Manga Art, and “I Refuse Rue!” under Imaginarium among many other side projects/stories! You can view most of my work on my personal website, or in my Facebook Page.

Anyway, please do feel free to comment on who the cosplayer is and who she is cosplaying as! Thanks to Michelle for sending this in!

EDIT: Thanks to Lance for letting me know this is Mei Wai cosplaying a Sorcerer from Aion: The Tower of Eternity!

Source: cuklaat on Blogspot


  1. Cosplayer: Mei Wai
    Character: Sorcerer
    Race: Elyo
    Source material: Aion Game (MMORPG)
    Site of verification:

    1. Thank you very much, Lance! I'll be editing this now, sorry for the delay! Σ(゚д゚lll)
