
10 February 2013

Vocaloid 2: Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka

vocaloid 2 cosplay - hatsune miku and megurine luka by tasha and tomia
Source: Picasa

There is a mutual fascination between us as we gazed at each other.
I didn’t want to leave a permanent scar on your back.
All alone, I cried…
As I also wanted to soil those hands.

“Rondo of the Sun and Moon”
Lyrics by Vocalochu
Translation by Kurohiko

Another amazing Vocaloid cosplay by Tasha and Tomia! Forgive the crude translation, my Japanese is not very good, but I couldn’t find an English translation online! I hope it’s about right though! Thanks again to Lily for sending this in!

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