
28 May 2012

Ranma 1/2 Live Action Movie

ranma 1/2 live action movie

Ranma ½ also got its live action movie adaptation which aired on NTV last December 2011.

The movie was largely based on stories from early volumes of the manga with special stars Aragaki Yui as Akane, Kaku Kento and Watanabe Natsuna as male and female Ranma respectively. Tayama Ryousei was cast as the antagonist Okamada, a new character made especially for the movie. The theme song “Chikutaku☆2Nite” was contributed by the all-girl pop group 9nine.

Is this a trend of some sort, or am I just extremely late for this party? Whatever it is though, I’m so loving it. Thanks again to Tanaka for sending this in!

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