
09 November 2008

Dream of Teenager: Lahoo and Shall

dream of teenager cosplay - lahoo and shall - jin joson and alodia gosiengfiaoDream of Doll’s “Dream of Teenager” is a collection of ball jointed dolls. Featured in this photo are two of the most well-known cosplayers in the Philippines, Jin Joson as Lahoo and Alodia Gosiengfiao as Shall.

Ever since I posted Jin’s photo as Ishida Uryuu, there’s been a non-stop debate with regards to Jin’s gender. As for myself, I’ve given up trying to figure it out unless Jin would like to comment and let us all finally know what the truth is.

Either way, this is a really good cosplay of Lahoo and Shall. I never thought people would actually try and cosplay real dolls and succeed so well. Thanks to Tricia Gosingtian and Jin for the wonderful photography!


  1. So I've been told, time and again, and yet others claim that Jin is a guy, too. xD

  2. Yep, Jin's a girl, Rei :P

  3. Honestly, I don't see why people think Jin is a boy. At the same time, it makes me feel for her. I just hope all this nonsense won't give her an identity crisis.

  4. Identity crisis? Probably not... I hear she already has a boyfriend after all. ;)

  5. To me, she looks like a guy, but I guess the proper term would be androgynous. It doesn't change the fact that she makes an awesome bishounen.

  6. Hee, Jin's a girl. I met her a few times. Also, she doesn't talk at cons to remain androgynous :D

    Yeah, she's got herself a boyfriend last I heard. She cosplays Naruto, he does Sasuke :D
